Winners of the HK Prize

The HK Prize is an international award that honors scientists whose research has had a substantial effect on society. It’s open to researchers worldwide and chosen through an impartial process without sponsorship or committee influence – the winner receives both monetary prizes and international exposure.

The winners are selected in three waves; Southeast Asian residents first, then mainland Chinese, and finally international applicants. Each wave has its own criteria, but the common denominator is a passion for Hong Kong and its culture. Winners get to visit the city and immerse themselves in its unique culture while having an unforgettable experience!

Last summer, pro-democracy activists led a 79-day street occupation in a bid to force Beijing into granting democratic concessions. The protests were the largest mass action in a generation and drew an estimated two million people. Beijing responded with a crackdown on dissent, and activists like Joshua Wong have been jailed. US lawmakers from both parties have now nominated him and his colleagues for the Nobel Peace Prize, calling them a global inspiration in the face of an autocratic crackdown.

Hong Kong is a vibrant cultural center that celebrates the power of art, storytelling and innovation. The Prize’s design is inspired by the Hong Kong symbol, juxtaposing a pearl with a pierced jade amulet. It is a reminder of the city’s rich heritage, and also of its current role as a world leader in technological advancements.

In addition to offering monetary rewards and the opportunity to conduct scientific research in one of Asia’s premier scientific institutions, the prize offers participants an unparalleled platform for networking with peers. Top ten finalists also earn shopping vouchers and F&B perks, making the competition an ideal place to build your writing portfolio while increasing your exposure in the literary community. However, it is always wise to read the rules and regulations carefully before participating in any contest.

Thein Swee Lay and Stuart Orkin’s work demonstrates how basic discovery, disease research and translational medicine can lead to transformative therapies that save lives. Their research established that altering the BCL11A protein through gene editing could reactivate fetal haemoglobin production and develop a treatment for sickle cell anemia. Its success led to the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of two sickle cell therapies last December.

The Spirit of Hong Kong Awards shines a light on unsung heroes whose genuine spirit of charity, civic awareness and goodwill have made an outstanding contribution to our shared home. This year, the ceremony celebrated a broad spectrum of inspiring stories spanning self-sacrifice, social activism, cultural preservation and tenacious entrepreneurship. The ceremony was hosted by Sammo Hung, veteran performer and martial artist.