The Basics of Domino


Domino is a small rectangular wood or plastic block, usually marked on each face with dots (or numbers) resembling those on dice. Each domino is normally twice as long as it is wide. The pips on a domino may be arranged to form one of a number of suits (as in the case of a double-six set), or they may appear all over (as in the case of the traditional 28-piece Western domino set). The term domino also refers to games played with such blocks, and to the rules that govern them.

When dominoes are stacked end to end in long lines, they can be tipped over. This causes the next domino in line to tip over, and so on until all of the dominoes have fallen. The resulting chains can create very complex patterns, and it is possible to play many different games with them.

Some people enjoy using dominoes to make artistic creations. They can be used to build straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures, 3D structures like towers and pyramids, or they can simply be arranged to create attractive visual designs. These creations can be a fun way to pass the time, and they can also be useful in teaching children about balance and geometry.

Many different kinds of domino sets exist, and they are available in a wide variety of materials. The most common are made from polymer, but they have also been produced from marble, granite and soapstone; other types of wood (such as acacia and birch); metals such as brass or pewter; and ceramic clay. Many of these different sets are designed to resemble classic European dominoes, but others have a more modern, sleek appearance.

Before a game or hand of dominoes begins, the tiles are shuffled. Once this has been done, the tiles are then arranged on the table in a random fashion so that each player cannot predict which tile is located where. The collection of shuffled tiles on the table is sometimes called the boneyard, and it is the dominoes in this position that are called upon when a player takes his or her turn.

In most domino games, each player tries to place a domino so that it touches one of the ends of a domino chain already in play. The ends of a domino chain are often designated as either open or closed, and it is illegal for a player to place a domino that will close one of the ends already in play. This is sometimes referred to as stitching up the ends, or “piling up” the dominoes.

Domino is the name of several popular games, and it can also refer to a chess variant that uses a domino-like board, and a variety of other puzzles. In the context of business, Domino’s is a brand of pizza delivery that was launched in 1985 by entrepreneur Tom Monaghan. Domino’s has since grown into a multi-billion-dollar company that continues to innovate in the food delivery industry.