Domino, also known as dominoes, is a game played by two or more players with small rectangular blocks of wood or plastic marked with dots that resemble those on dice. When one of these tiles is positioned so that its exposed ends touch, it starts a chain reaction that can lead to the “falling” of many more of the same tiles. A set of dominoes can be used to play a variety of games, including scoring and blocking.
The word “domino” and the game of domino have been around for a long time. In fact, the name seems to have come first, with the game itself appearing soon after. A number of different games have been developed using these small wooden blocks, and today they are a popular pass-time in households around the world.
There are several ways to use a domino, and the most common way is by playing positional games. In these, each player takes turns placing a domino edge to edge against another tile until the adjacent ends match (one’s touch two’s, three’s touch four’s, etc.). The player then counts the total number of dots on the exposed ends and scores points accordingly.
A domino may also be used to score a specific amount of points by making matching pairs of tiles. For example, a player could score 10 points by placing a 6-6 and a 5-5 in the proper positions on the table. The two sides of a domino must be equal in value, but they can be adjacent either horizontally or vertically. A pair of adjacent horizontal dominos is referred to as a doublet, while a pair of adjacent vertical dominos is called a domino line.
If a tile has an open end, it is considered “blank.” This can be matched with any other domino with the same type of blank side. Alternatively, it can be matched with any other domino that has the same number on both ends. The value of a domino with a blank side is 0 because it does not belong to any suit.
While the word domino has a number of different meanings, it has become particularly associated with the game of domino. This is probably because the term domino was originally a French word that denoted a long hooded cloak worn with a mask at a carnival festival or masquerade.
Today, the idiom domino refers to any situation in which a single trigger can cause an event that causes other events to follow in rapid succession. This is a good metaphor for the idea that any event that occurs can affect any other. This principle is especially prevalent in business, where one mistake or misstep can have a domino effect that cascades throughout the organization. This can have a negative impact on productivity and profitability. For this reason, it is important for businesses to establish a strong culture of communication with employees. This can help prevent a domino effect and promote a successful workplace.