What is Domino?

Domino is a game played with rectangular, square, or circular blocks of clay, wood, plastic, or resin that have been marked with an arrangement of dots, similar to the spots on a die, on one side and are blank or identically patterned on the other. The pieces are then connected to each other, end to end, by lines of dominoes, with the starting tiles placed adjacent to one another and, depending on the rules of the game being played, either in a cross or a line of play. The domino game has been an integral part of cultural life across a broad spectrum of societies and civilizations, as well as a unifying force that transcends linguistic and geographical boundaries.

Dominoes are a powerful symbol of our human need for connection and community. Their simple construction and ease of play promote friendships between players regardless of age, gender, or background. They are also a tool to teach children social responsibility and the importance of taking turns.

As with many board games, the game of dominoes involves a combination of luck and skill. Players must learn to read the pattern of the dominoes and to anticipate what will happen based on the previous tile played. The game is also a way to build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment through victory.

The basic rule in any domino game is that each player takes a set of tiles (often called a draw or a deck) and plays them so that a matching pair of ends are touching fully. This configuration is referred to as the layout, string, or line of play. Once this is established, the game begins. When a tile is played, other tiles may be added to the line of play from both sides, unless it is a double, in which case both of its open ends are considered to be with the line of play.

After the line of play is established, a scoring method is agreed upon. In most cases, this involves counting the pips on the winning player’s tiles at the end of a hand or the game, although a number of rule variations exist, including a scoring method that only counts one of the two ends of a double.

Whether Hevesh is creating a huge, elaborate installation of dominoes or is simply playing with her family, her creations are always designed to be aesthetically pleasing and functional. She carefully tests each section of the piece before putting it up, then adds flat arrangements and finally lines of dominoes to connect the sections together. She always makes a test version of each section and films it in slow motion so she can make precise corrections if the piece doesn’t work properly.

When a domino falls, it releases energy that was locked in it as potential and becomes available to do other things, such as push on the next domino. That’s the same way that every plot beat in a novel can serve as its own scene domino, releasing a chain reaction that naturally propels the story forward.